Discoloured teeth – Teeth Whitening

A whiter and brighter smile is at the top of everyone’s wish list.

A whiter and brighter smile is at the top of everyone’s wish list.

Professional teeth whitening is a fast, effective, and safe way to transform your teeth and give you the bright smile you deserve.

Treatment options

Treatment options

Over the years our teeth can become discoloured, by what we eat and drink, our lifestyle choices, some health conditions, and general ageing. Common culprits are dark-coloured beverages like coffee, tea, certain medications, and smoking.

Luckily there are many different options to get a brighter, whiter smile. The team at Morphett St Family Dental can help you determine which is the right treatment for you.

We have whitening options to suit every budget and lifestyle, after a thorough consultation we will help you decide what is right for you.


One-hour long procedure spent either in relaxation or watching your favourite show on Netflix.


Whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home, using our take-home kit.



There are a range of different factors that can cause teeth to appear stained or discoloured.

Diet – Dark coloured beverages like tea, coffee, red wine. Heavily coloured foods like curry, turmeric.

Tobacco – smoking or chewing tobacco can cause dark stains on the teeth.

Poor oral hygiene – a build up of plaque and bacteria can make your teeth look dark or yellow.

Medications and medical conditions – Certain medications and medical treatments can contribute to tooth discolouration; we will always examine our patient’s medical history in detail to determine if there are any possible contributing factors.

Ageing – as we get older our tooth enamel slowly wears down over time. This can allow for the next layer of the tooth (the dentin) to show through. Dentin is yellowish in colour, which means as we get older our teeth might begin to appear more yellow.

Teeth whitening solutions work on natural tooth structures, this means it will not work on teeth with crowns, veneers, or white fillings. Not to worry though there are alternative treatments to correct the colours of these teeth.

Yes, when prescribed by a registered dental practitioner teeth whitening is comfortable, safe, and effective. The Australian Dental Association advises that only registered dental practitioners have the training and knowledge to assess is teeth whitening is appropriate and safe for you.  

Teeth whitening services offered by unregulated, unqualified practitioners like beauty or nail salons, etc, can damage your teeth and gums. Furthermore, teeth whitening products bought online or at the supermarket may contain bleaching chemicals, charcoal, or bicarbonate soda. Some of these products may not be reliable and incorrect use can lead to dental problems.

 We would always recommend speaking to your dentist to see what is right for you.

Our Services

Our Services

Anxious Patients

Experience stress-free dental visits with our gentle approach and sedation options tailored for anxious patients.

Airflow Dental Spa

Enjoy a gentler, more refreshing dental cleaning experience with our Airflow Dental Spa that effectively removes plaque and discoloration.

Payment Plans

At Morphett St Family Dental, we understand that dental surprises can be stressful.

General Dental

From routine check-ups to complex procedures, our general dental services cover all aspects of oral health to keep your smile bright and healthy.

Free Kids Dental

Providing a fun, comfortable environment for children to learn about good oral hygiene and receive top-quality dental care.


Restore your smile and functionality with durable dental implants designed to replace missing teeth and support natural bone growth.


Straighten your teeth discreetly with Invisalign, the clear alternative to braces that allows you to achieve your perfect smile without metal wires.

Teeth Whitening

Brighten your smile with our professional teeth whitening services that safely remove stains and enhance your confidence.


Protect your teeth and improve sleep with custom-fitted mouthguards for sports, teeth grinding, and snoring.

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